فوائد العلاقات الجيدة مع العملاء


محمد عفيف القرفان

- مدرب إدارة موارد بشرية معتمد ، NAICD ، كندا 2010 - مدرب معتمد ، بيتمان 2014 - مدرب أول ، الجمعية الدولية للمدربين والمطورين - ISTD - مدرب معتمد ، بيتمان 2014 - تدريب المدربين ، MEG 2014

معلومات إضافية

شهادة حضور

اللغة: English (US)

المدّة: ساعة 41 دقيقة

مقدمة عن البرنامج

This course highlights  how you can become more proactive in focusing efforts and resources to create unsurpassable levels of customer retention, loyalty, repeat business, referrals and extra opportunities.

·    Maximise your customer relationships

·   Review and refocus your approach to customers

·   Give the best to your customers and get the best from them

·   Create a customer-centric business

·   Get personal and establish real connections with your customers

1.       What Is the importance of CRM?

2.       When and Where Does Customer Service Take Place?

3.       CRM Competencies

4.       Customer Relation Recipe

5.       Customer Relationship Functions

6.       Benefits of Good Customer Relations

7.       6 Knows in CRM Model

8.       CRM in Two Perspectives

9.       What Should Your CRM Offer?

10.  The Personal Competnecies

11.  How Can CRM Companies Enable CRM Agents to Perform Better?

12.  Dealing With An Angry Customer

13.  Pareto Principle

14.  Types of Customer Relationships

15.  How to Build Positive Customer Relationship

16.  Communication Skills

17.  Negotiation Strategies

18.  Types of Customers

 An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -

- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.

- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.

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