
M. Hamza Taqi

-He holds an Expert Certification in Marketing and Business from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the United Kingdom and a BA in Electrical Engineer from Northrop University in Los Angeles. (Team Coach) Author, Participant, and Team Coach - Practical experience for 30 years in the banking industry (13 years), communications (7 years) and talent development (from 2008 to now). -Participate in developing the use of bank cards and various services for individuals according to the target market segments. -He obtained certificates in multiple disciplines such as training, consulting, change management and project management to develop talent, develop leadership and facilitate simultaneous learning.

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Attendance Certificate

 Language: English (US)

 duration: 1 hour 47 minutes


The customer care required for high net worth individuals is similar to what is required for general customers. But high net worth individuals have different expectations; and in order to meet their expectations and needs, it is necessary to provide them with a special and high quality services.

- Know about VIP expectations

-  Learn the different kinds of VIP services

- Know how to deliver high quality services

- Learn how to treat VIP customers

- Know how the Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) invest

1.       Introduction

2.       How The Ultra High Net Worth Individuals Invest?

3.       What is Priority Banking?

4.       DBS Treasures

5.       Why Target VIP Customers

6.       VIP Expectations

7.       The Brand

8.       What is Private Banking

9.       Special Treatment for VIP Customers

10.  Segmentation

11.  Examples of VIP Services

12.  Delivering Quality Services

13.  The 11 Service Basics

 An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -

- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.

- After completing the course and attending it completely, a window will appear, write your name in both Arabic and English, and you will get the certificate directly.

- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.

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