Kakeibo: The Art of Saving Up56s
Introduction and Backstory3m 14s
Requirements3m 1s
Establishing Your Budget2m 56s
Action Plan3m 9s
Review and Improvements2m 39s
Conclusion1m 20s
Kakeibo: The Art of Saving Up
- Certified Coach with a certification in both Life Coaching and Wellness Coaching with a niche of self-esteem and optimism - Holds a Bachelors Degree of Science in Industrial Engineering - Has a certificate in Quality Management as well as Project Management - Podcast artist, editor, and distributer with topics regarding positivity, motivation, and self-love - Loves Public Speaking and Presenting especially if it includes topics from the self-development category
Additional Information
Attendance Certificate
Language: English (US)
duration: 17 minutes
With the confusing methods and lack of plans available for one to budget their monthly income for the necessities, wants, and desires. Kakeibo, a japanese budgeting tool has simplified this for users of all ages & stages to understand apply. All that’s needed is a form of income and the desire to organize that income to enable saving up and further plans to achieve.
- Learn about the art of kakeibo and its applications
- Learn to select amount to save up and to spend with realistic expectations
- Breakdown daily spendings into the categories associated in Kakeibo
- Analyze day to day, month to month spendings to make necessary adjustments
1. Introduction and Backstory
2. Requirements
3. Establishing Your Budget
4. Action Plan
5. Review and Improvements
6. Conclusion
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