1. Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers
2. The value is not important to differentiate between one product and another or one company and another
3. Current customers should always be satisfied
4. The marketer can't read exactly what goes in a customer's head
5. Everyone has similar personal traits and terms

Dr. Pascale Chemaly

-Certified trainer and consultant in the field of marketing, public relations and media. -PhD in Visual Dramatic Arts (television). - Master's degree in multimedia cinema and television - Master's degree in marketing. - Teaching in different universities in Lebanon, in various fields of marketing. - Public Relations, Communication Arts and Media.

Additional Information

Attendance Certificate

 Language: English (US)

 duration: 1 hour 44 minutes


Marketing is the process of promoting products or services to individuals or other businesses. It includes advertising, selling, and delivering those products or services to the customers.

- Learn about marketing mix (the 7 P's of marketing)

Learn how to design and conduct a customer driven marketing strategy. -

-  Know who are the target audience for the product or service

- Designing a Customer Driven Marketing Strategy

- Marketing Mix

- Consumer Buying Behavior

- Personal Factors

 An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -

- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.

- After completing the course and attending it completely, a window will appear, write your name in both Arabic and English, and you will get the certificate directly.

- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.

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