People Reading

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Attendance Certificate


 duration: 1 minute


In the realm of interpersonal dynamics, the ability to understand and connect with people on a deeper level is a skill that transcends professional boundaries. "People Reading" is a transformative program designed to empower participants with the insights and tools required to master the art of understanding human behavior, fostering meaningful connections, and achieving personal and professional success.

- Discovering your DiSC® style
- Understanding Other Styles
- Building More Effective Relationships

- Introduction
- Discovering your disc style 
- Goals 
- Priorities of Your DiSC Style 
- Understanding other style 
- Identify the DiSC style for each teammate 
- Working with disc style 
- Building Effective Relationships 
- Increase Your Effectiveness 
- Closing

The digital transformation in training and guidance has become imperative in light of the technological revolution for all institutions, organizations, and companies seeking to improve their services, develop their employees, and enhance their competencies.

Etatwir platform stands out by offering specialized online courses that can be attended at any time and place, saving time, effort, and money. Distance learning has become essential and important for all institutions and individuals in self-improvement and enhancing employee efficiency.

The platform excels in providing online courses with a precise system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of employees and measuring the training's impact on each participant through regular reports.

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