Leadership1m 6s
Introduction4m 5s
The History of Leadership4m 18s
Characteristics of Leaders4m 28s
Different Styles of Leadership4m 15s
Behavior Perspective4m 44s
The Managerial Grid3m 37s
Contingency Perspective5m 23s
Contingency Perspective 24m
The Leader Participation Model3m 1s
The Transformational Leadership Element6m 4s
The Visionary Leadership and The Charismatic Leadership6m 59s
Do We Always Need a Leader?6m 35s
Authentic Leadership6m 51s
Building Trust With Your Team17m 13s
Modern theories and models6m 34s
Jeb Blount's Model9m 31s
Examples of Leaders7m 55s
The Role of a Leader7m 30s
Johari Window Model9m
Leadership Models6m 41s
Situational Leadership Theory19m 34s
Personal Characteristics of Leaders3m 12s
-He holds an Expert Certification in Marketing and Business from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the United Kingdom and a BA in Electrical Engineer from Northrop University in Los Angeles. (Team Coach) Author, Participant, and Team Coach - Practical experience for 30 years in the banking industry (13 years), communications (7 years) and talent development (from 2008 to now). -Participate in developing the use of bank cards and various services for individuals according to the target market segments. -He obtained certificates in multiple disciplines such as training, consulting, change management and project management to develop talent, develop leadership and facilitate simultaneous learning.
Additional Information
Attendance Certificate
Language: English (US)
duration: 2 hours 32 minutes
an effective leader means inspiring, influencing, motivating, and encouraging
your team; it is not about giving commands only. To have a good relationship
with your team; you must build trust, have strong communication, and empower
your team.
- Get to know the different styles of leadership
- Know the personal characteristics of leaders
- Learn how to build trust with your team
- Know and understand the role of leaders
- Explore different leadership models
- The History of Leadership
- Characteristics of Leaders
- Different Styles of Leadership
- Behavior Perspective
- The Managerial Grid
- Contingency Perspective
- The Leader Participation Model
- The Transformational Leadership Element
- The Visionary Leadership and The Charismatic Leadership
- Do We Always Need a Leader?
- Authentic Leadership
- Building Trust With Your Team
- Modern theories and models
- Jeb Blount's Model
- Examples of Leaders
- The Role of a Leader
- Johari Window Model
- Leadership Models
- Situational Leadership Theory
- Personal Characteristics of Leaders
An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -
- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.
- After completing the course and attending it completely, a window will appear, write your name in both Arabic and English, and you will get the certificate directly.
- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.
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